
Original lap-seam seal flexible film, germfree isolator.Gnotobiotic islolator systems for rodents.
Manufacturing high quality, flexible film (softwall) isolators for universities, researchers and germ-free animal producers since 1978!

Class Biologically Clean, Ltd. (CBC) is the leading provider of flexible film isolators, semi-rigid isolators, flexible film clean rooms, flexible film bio-containment chambers and decontamination chambers for use with immunocompromised animals, specific pathogen free animal research and husbandry, infectious diseases studies and pharmaceutical production. Made in the United States.

BC Semi-Rigid Poultry Isolator are designed to offer researchers complete environmental control.
New Poultry Semi-Rigid Isolator

CBC's new Semi-Rigid Poultry Isolators are designed to offer researchers complete environmental control. Each system comes with a blower system that can be converted from positive to negative pressure.

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Because your reputation, research or production should not risk being compromised!

The Trusted Quality of CBC Flexible Film Isolators and Containment Units.

CBC is committed to manufacturing the highest quality isolators, cleanrooms, containment units and components for animal research and pharmaceutical production. Our quality control practices have been developed over our 44 years in business - listening and learning from our highly educated and diverse client base.

Because your reputation, research or production should not risk being compromised!

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Polyurethane material is strong – helps ensure against contamination.

All of the vinyl and polyurethane plastic used by CBC is manufactured under ISO standards. What's more, CBC's 20 mil. polyurethane material is virtually puncture resistant (watch video above) and helps ensure against research or production contamination due to accidental puncture or tear.

Because your reputation, research or production should not risk being compromised!

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Lap Seam sealing process is more durable than a single seam seal.

CBC uses a highly durable "lap seam" seal for the majority of our seams, and an even superior "cut/weld/strip seam" seal for high risk areas. We visually inspect the seams for obvious imperfections such as bubbles, opaqueness and ridge. We finish with a "pull" test that would make many of our competitors cringe.

Because your reputation, research or production should not risk being compromised!

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Affordable Isolator "Starter Labs"

CBC flexible film isolator "Starter Lab" packages come with all the hardware and accessories needed for researchers to install a fully functional germ free lab that offers complete environmental control for gnotobiotic, microbiome and other research. Our "Starter Lab" packages provide researchers compatibility, quality control, quicker installation, better traceability and easier reorders.

Protecting Both & Research and Researcher

CBC offers economical, flexible-film (softwall) isolators for germ-free, gnotobiotic animal research to provide a sterile or microbially-controlled laboratory environment. They are manufacturered to provide controlled barrier and containment to protect both personnel and product.  Since 1978!

Made in the United States

Innovative Flexible Film Isolator Options

CBC has developed innovative isolator features such as glove port glove extensions that offer better worker dexterity and less stress on isolator seams.

Germfree Shipper Sleeve

These Germfree Shipper Sleeves are designed to safeguard the health status of mice and rats during shipping. Wire mesh protects filter media, stronger packaging and more.

5" Isolator Filters Provide Greater Air Flow

CBC's 5" diameter filters (vs. competitive 3" diameter) provide greater airflow and improve the isolator's living environment. Our lower inlet port and upper outlet port can more efficiently remove warm, moist air. The larger filter diameter combined with CBC's unique "inlet/outlet" port design help improve isolator's living environment.


CBC has designed and developed a variety of accessories and components to help make your gnotobiotic lab function more efficiently and ensure a uniform, controlled environment.

810 Stewart Street, Madison, Wisconsin 53713

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© 2011-2022 Class Biologically Clean, Ltd. - Madison, Wisconsin - All rights reserved

® CBC is a Registered Trademark of Class Biologically Clean, Ltd.

Flexible Film Isolators, Softwall Cleanrooms, Containment Units and Accessories for Controlled Research Environments.